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  • Best Race for a Ranger in DnD Tabletop?

    Posted by PaladinOfLight on October 14, 2023 at 7:53 am

    Looking to try something different, but still pretty new to tabletop D&D. What race is the best when playing a Ranger and why?

    Xamira replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Arannis

    October 14, 2023 at 8:07 am

    Rangers are definitely a very fun class to try out. I love my ranger. You can’t really do wrong with most race choices but here are some best in slot choices in terms of race:


    • Dexterity score increases by 2: Beneficial for a ranger’s archery and finesse weapon skills.

    • Perception: Useful for a ranger’s scouting and spotting abilities.

    • Fey Ancestry: Provides an advantage against being charmed, useful in various scenarios. Subraces like Wood Elves have additional benefits like hiding and increased movement speed​​.


    • Dexterity score increases by 2: Similar benefit to elves for archery and finesse weapon skills.

    • Lucky trait: Allows re-rolling 1s on d20 rolls, which could be beneficial in critical situations​​.


    • Versatile with a +1 to all ability scores: Beneficial for a well-rounded ranger character​​.


    • Strength and Charisma increase may not be as beneficial for traditional ranger builds but could be leveraged for a unique play style and look cool from a roleplaying perspective 🙂

    Each race has its unique advantages that could suit different play styles or campaign settings.

    Elf or Halfling might be the more traditional choice due to their dexterity bonus, with Wood Elves being particularly notable for their synergy with typical ranger abilities.

    • PaladinOfLight

      October 14, 2023 at 8:14 am

      Awesome, halfling sound like fun and I think Lucky can be very useful indeed base don how unlucky I usually am lol! What would you recommend in terms of Ability Point distribution for a ranger factoring in the +2 dexterity from the halfling?

      • Xamira

        October 14, 2023 at 2:24 pm

        If you are basing it off the RAW 27 Ability Point allocation system which says that that each increase up to 13 costs one point, and an increase to 14/15 costs 2 points then your Ability Scores would optimally look as follows:

        • Dexterity: 15 (9 points: 1 for each score from 8 to 13, then 4 points for each score from 13 to 15)

        • Wisdom: 14 (7 points: 1 for each score from 8 to 13, then 2 points for the score of 14)

        • Constitution: 13 (5 points: 1 for each score from 8 to 13)

        • Strength: 12 (4 points: 1 for each score from 8 to 13)

        • Intelligence: 10 (2 points: 1 for each score from 8 to 13)

        • Charisma: 8 (costs 0 points)

        In total 9+7+5+4+2+0 = 27

        If you choose an Elf or Halfling, (which both have a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity), your Dexterity score would increase to 17, giving you a +3 Ability Modifier.

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