Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch #1 Full Rundown

Baldur's Gate 3 Patch #1 Full Rundown

Hey adventurers!

Larian Studio have been hard at work addressing some of the major issues in Baldur’s Gate 3, that have been affecting our gameplay experience. 

Since release there have been for Hotfixes, but on the 25th of August 2023, they released the official first patch with a massive amount of changes and fixes.

As always, this will be full of spoilers, so turn away now if you do not want to see any. 

With that said, let’s dive into the latest updates on Baldur’s Gate 3 found within Patch number 1.


  • Morphic Pool Dilemma: If you’ve been left stranded in the Morphic Pool by The Emperor, fret not. They’ve fixed that issue. Also, if you’ve tried using the boat to get to the Morphic Pool, sent that character to camp, and then used another character for the journey, you won’t be blocked from progressing anymore.
  • Dialogue Interruptions: For those of us who’ve experienced a freeze after listening in on a conversation and then exiting it prematurely, good news! That bug has been squashed. No more being unable to interact with the game.
  • Reaction UI Glitches: If you’ve saved your game in the middle of a reaction and found the Reaction UI acting up, they’ve addressed that too. It should no longer block our progress in combat.
  • Loot Visibility in Multiplayer: Noticed loot in corpses not showing up in multiplayer? Well, they’ve fixed it. Now, the loot will appear as soon as an item is dragged onto the corpse.
  • Game Over After Helping Downed Party Members: A few of us faced a Game Over screen even after helping downed party members. That’s been rectified.
  • Helm of Arcane Acuity Issue: If the Helm of Arcane Acuity crashed your game, you’ll be pleased to know that they’ve capped the condition to 7 stacks, preventing any crashes.
  • Getting Arrested vs. Game Over: Attacked an NPC during a dialogue after being downed? Instead of a Game Over screen, you’ll now get arrested. A much more logical consequence, don’t you think?
  • Infinite Falling Loop: Some characters were stuck in an endless falling loop. That’s been fixed.
  • Marcus’s Resurrection: Lastly, for those who found a peculiar bug with Marcus being resurrected by hitting him with a dual-wield attack, they’ve addressed it. The second hit won’t revive him anymore.

Story flow and Logic

Moving on to the story flow and logic improvements:

  • Wyll’s Conversations: If you’ve noticed Wyll constantly having an exclamation point above his head without anything new to say, especially about Ravengard being at Moonrise Towers, that’s been fixed. Additionally, if Ansur meets an unfortunate end, Wyll will now guide you on the next steps.
  • Ravengard’s Address: Non-tadpoled characters will no longer be mistakenly addressed as True Souls by Ravengard at Wyrm’s Rock.
  • Shadowheart’s Romance: For those pursuing a romantic storyline with Shadowheart, she will now more seamlessly follow up on her proposed romance moments in Act III.
  • Hag’s Health Bug: There was an issue where conditions updated before a savegame finished loading. This caused problems like the hag having 0 HP, hindering quest progression. That’s been addressed.
  • Karlach’s Movement: If you’ve freed Karlach from the Wyrm’s Rock prison with a full party, she should now head to camp as expected.
  • Jaheira and Minsc: Their paths are now intertwined. If Minsc is forsaken, Jaheira will follow suit.
  • Astarion Relationship: A bug that unintentionally allowed breakups with Astarion has been fixed.
  • Drider’s Recognition: If you join the drider midway on his route, he’ll now recognize your presence when you reach Moonrise Towers.
  • Quest NPCs: Art Cullagh and Fist J’ehlar have overcome their fears of bears and spiders, ensuring their quests run smoothly.
  • Zhentarim’s Tactics: They will now use mines more strategically, avoiding self-harm.
  • Minthara’s Interactions: She won’t repeatedly pass judgment on companions and will no longer bring up irrelevant topics. Plus, they’ve improved the dialogue flow when dating her and fixed an issue with her body disappearing at camp.
  • Recruitment Limit: You can’t have both Halsin and Minthara at camp in the same playthrough anymore.
  • Map Markers: Some precise markers have been changed to general area markers for clarity in quests like investigating Kagha and finding Halsin.
  • Gale’s Romance: They’ve clarified certain dialogue options with Gale to indicate the start of a romance. And during his spell-teaching scene, there’s now a middle ground between extreme reactions.
  • Raphael’s Actions: In the House of Hope, Raphael won’t mistakenly target his own structures or allies anymore.
  • Rescue the Grand Duke Quest: This quest will now update correctly about the duke’s location, no matter how it began.
  • Auntie Ethel’s Fate: Using non-lethal attacks on her will genuinely be non-lethal now.
  • Bugbear and Ogre Privacy: You can choose to respect their privacy outside the Blighted Village. Love is love, after all.
  • Main Quest Sequence: A design issue that allowed skipping parts of Act II’s main quest using certain spells has been fixed.
  • Baldur’s Mouth Headline: That adorable cat headline won’t get accidentally overwritten anymore.
  • Wyll’s Recognition: If he isn’t recruited, he’ll now recognize Avatar Karlach and start a conversation.
  • Mizora and Wyll: Mizora will always be able to interrupt Wyll, no matter where he’s off to.
  • Beggars: Tossing a coin at them won’t harm them anymore.
  • Dolly Dolly Dolly’s Curse: If she curses you inside the Moonlantern, be prepared for a face paint session.
  • Zhentarim’s Tolerance: They’ll be more accepting if you approach them at the Goblin Camp.

That covers the major story flow and logic updates. The developers have clearly been attentive to the intricate details of the game, ensuring a smoother experience for all of us.

Balance Changes

Let’s now delve into the balance changes, which are crucial for ensuring a fair and enjoyable gameplay experience:

  • Gold Bounties: The developers have made gold bounties more generous in various containers throughout the game.
  • Explorer Mode Boost: The HP bonus in Explorer Mode has been amped up from +50% to a whopping +100%.
  • Freecast Tadpole Power: It now properly resets on Long Rest, preventing the creation of infinite spell slots and Sorcery Points for sorcerers.
  • Arcane Tricksters’ Mage Hand: Their Mage Hand Legerdemain won’t expire until destroyed and maintains its invisibility even after a Long Rest.
  • Mage Hand Limit: Just a heads up, you can’t have multiple Mage Hands active simultaneously anymore.
  • Shield Reaction: It can’t be used if you’re silenced.
  • Sorcery Points: They’ve fixed the issue preventing the creation of 5th Level spell slots from Sorcery Points.
  • College of Lore Bards: They can now choose their additional skill proficiency. If you’re already a College of Lore bard, you’ll need to respec to make this choice.
  • Multiclassing: Proper spell DC is now applied during this process.
  • Bards’ Magical Secrets Feature: A slew of spells have been added, including Banishing Smite, Animate Dead, and many more.
  • Club of Hill Giant Strength: It now boosts Strength to a formidable 19, not just 15.
  • Ranged Enemies and Hunter’s Mark: They’ve fixed the bug where ranged enemies would constantly reapply Hunter’s Mark.
  • Warlocks’ Pact of the Chain: Their summons can now use their Extra Attack more frequently.
  • NPC Spotting: Some NPCs had a knack for spotting us when they shouldn’t have. That’s been addressed.
  • Vision Cone Edge: Walking along the edge of a vision cone won’t trigger multiple rolls anymore.
  • Danse Macabre Ghouls: Rest easy. They won’t attack you during a Long Rest.
  • Poison Immunity: After a successful Saving Throw against a poison, you’ll be immune to that specific poison for 2 turns.
  • Grym’s Damage: In Tactician Mode, Grym, the Protector of the Forge, will now deal more damage.
  • Meenlocks: They’ve been granted immunity to the shadow curse.
  • Orin’s Stats: Both the HP and AC of Orin have been increased.
  • Lorroakan’s Limitation: He can’t cast his signature reaction spell, Elemental Retort, when silenced.
  • Minthara’s Combat Skills: Minthara has been reminded how to effectively use her weapons.
  • Gauntlet of Shar: Enemies won’t target you from above through the ceiling anymore.
  • Trespass Warnings: Instead of jumping straight into combat, there will now be trespass warnings for any additional characters that trespass after the first.

That wraps up the balance changes. It’s evident that the developers are keen on refining the game mechanics to ensure a balanced and immersive experience for us.”

Usability Improvements

Next up, let’s discuss the usability improvements. These changes might seem minor, but they can significantly impact our overall gaming experience:

  • Dialogue Notifications: Ever felt like those approval ratings and roll results disappeared too quickly? They’ve fixed that, ensuring notifications stay visible for an appropriate duration.
  • Launcher Memory: The Launcher will now remember your last choice, be it DX11 or Vulkan, making it more user-friendly.
  • Gold Display: If you’ve amassed a large fortune, the UI will now display the correct amount of gold, even if it’s a vast sum.
  • Spell Order: Spells like Hex won’t randomly shift in order anymore. This means no more misclicks when you’re navigating intuitively.
  • Dialogue Skipping: Only the main speaker in a dialogue can skip lines now. Those just listening in won’t accidentally skip any dialogue.
  • Camp Supply Values in Multiplayer: For the second local player who joins during a game, the Camp Supply values have been fixed. Unfortunately, Long Rests won’t be free anymore.
  • Inventory Interactions: If a player’s inventory is locked, others can’t interact with it, ensuring individual inventory management.
  • Critical Hit Text: They’ve ensured that the critical hit text will always appear, keeping us informed during combat.
  • Minimap Performance: The minimap will now perform better, especially when adding or removing map markers.
  • Dyed Armour Display: If you’ve dyed your armor, it will now show in the correct color during the Level Up screen.
  • Halsin’s Wild Shape Tooltip: A minor but neat fix – Halsin will now be correctly identified as a cave bear in his Wild Shape tooltip.

These usability tweaks might seem subtle, but they go a long way in enhancing our gameplay experience.


Shifting our focus to the visuals, let’s see what aesthetic and graphical changes have been implemented:

  • Dragonborn Modesty: The modesty filter for dragonborns had some issues, but that’s been fixed. No more unexpected surprises!
  • Tiefling Earrings: For those who’ve noticed, the earrings on tiefling female strong character models have been corrected.
  • Controller Style Option: A new feature has been added! You can now choose which controller’s icons are displayed, thanks to the Controller Style option.
  • Lae’zel’s Makeup: There was a peculiar issue where clown makeup not only failed to appear on Lae’zel’s face but also removed her distinctive tattoos and makeup. That’s been sorted out.
  • Invoke Duplicity: When using Invoke Duplicity, the duplicate will now be an exact copy of your character. And, importantly, they won’t be naked.
  • Helmet Positioning: Some helmets, including a leather one, a metal one, and the Helmet of Smiting, were floating on certain character models. That’s been anchored down.
  • Ceremorphosis Effect: Here’s a fun one – undergoing partial ceremorphosis will now have the added effect of rotting your teeth. Talk about attention to detail!
  • Lae’zel’s Underwear: If you’ve dyed Lae’zel’s underwear, the color will now more accurately reflect the dye used.

The developers have clearly been attentive to the visual details, ensuring that the game not only plays well but looks fantastic too.

Cinematic Scenes

Let’s now turn our attention to the cinematic scenes, which play a vital role in immersing us in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Kissing Scenes: The developers have refined kissing scenes with the Origin characters. They’ve ensured proper physical contact, adjusted for shorter races, and taken uneven ground into account.
  • Dame Aylin’s Appearance: In the scene where Dame Aylin showcases her prowess against Lorroakan, her armor and wings will now be accurately depicted.
  • Floating Items: Noticed mugs or newspapers floating during dialogues? The characters holding them were hidden, but the items weren’t. Thankfully, those ghostly occurrences have been fixed.
  • Scratch’s Ball: Scratch’s position has been adjusted, so you can now attempt to retrieve that ball from his mouth. But whether he’s willing to part with it, well, that’s a different story.
  • Volo’s Lobotomy Skills: Volo’s aim during the ice pick lobotomy scene has been improved for accuracy.
  • Lae’zel’s Dialogue Movement: In the dialogue discussing dating, Lae’zel will no longer have that odd floating motion.
  • Wyll’s Dance Space: No matter where you set up camp, Wyll will now have ample room to showcase his dance moves.
  • Astarion’s Night Dialogue: Some camera angles struggled to capture the essence of Astarion during a nighttime camp dialogue. That’s been fixed, and they’ve also enhanced his facial expressions where needed.
  • Emerald Grove Telescope: The red dragon viewed through the telescope in the Emerald Grove will now come into clear focus after passing the Perception check.
  • Karlach’s Hug: The camera position has been adjusted for that heartwarming moment when Karlach hugs you for the first time after her upgrade.
  • Dror Ragzlin Dialogue: If you manually trigger the dialogue with Dror Ragzlin, the mind flayer will now correctly appear in the cinematic.

These cinematic tweaks and fixes ensure that every scene flows seamlessly, enhancing the storytelling and our overall experience.

Loot & Trade

Shifting gears, let’s discuss the updates related to loot and trade, which can significantly impact our in-game economy and interactions:

  • Dye Stock: Traders who offer dyes for sale have expanded their inventory. They now also stock dye remover, making it easier for us to revert any color changes.
  • Lady Esther’s Trade: After completing her quests, Lady Esther remains accessible for trade, allowing us to continue our business dealings with her.
  • Fish Vendors: If you’re into fishing or cooking, you’ll be pleased to know that fish vendors now have a more abundant stock of fish. It seems their new bait is working wonders!
  • Popper’s Inventory: Popper, the kobold at the circus, has expanded his collection. He now offers even more oddities for those of us with a penchant for the unique.
  • Lady Jannath’s Artsy Collection: For the art enthusiasts among us, Lady Jannath now offers artsy items for trade, adding a touch of culture to our inventory.
  • Skeleton Inventory Logic: A logical fix here – skeletons around the Selûnite Outpost won’t have fresh food in their inventory anymore. Makes sense, right?
  • Lohse’s Portrait: For those who’ve been trying to get their hands on it, Lohse’s portrait is now within reach.

These loot and trade updates ensure a more logical and enriched trading experience, enhancing our interactions with various NPCs.


Now, let’s touch on some miscellaneous updates that, while they might not fit neatly into other categories, are still noteworthy:

  • Credits Update: The game credits have been updated and reformatted. They now appear in two tidy columns, making them easier to read and more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Digital Deluxe DLC Songs: For those with the Digital Deluxe DLC, the D:OS2 bard songs aren’t just for player avatars anymore. Companions can now enjoy them as well.
  • Deluxe Edition Bard Songs: If you’re using Lohse’s Lute of the Merryweather Bard from the Deluxe Edition, all the extra bard songs from the Deluxe Edition will still be available to you.
  • DLC Rewards: There’s been a fix regarding DLC rewards. They won’t be removed if you load a save without that particular DLC installed. And if you’ve lost any rewards due to this issue in the past, they’ll be restored.
  • Steel Watcher Sounds: A technical tweak here – the idle sounds of the Steel Watcher no longer consume streaming bandwidth.
  • Shambling Mound: For those adventurous souls who tried, you can no longer climb the Shambling Mound. Probably for the best!
  • Glut’s Navigation: Glut’s walking bounds have been optimized, ensuring it navigates both the world and the battlefield more efficiently.

These miscellaneous updates, while varied, showcase the developers’ commitment to refining every aspect of the game, ensuring a comprehensive and enjoyable experience for all of us.

Crashes & Blockers

Moving on, let’s address a critical aspect of any game update: crashes and blockers. These are the issues that can halt our gameplay or even prevent us from diving into the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Here’s what’s been fixed:

  • Loading Savegames: A crash that occurred when loading savegames with party followers possessing ‘local items’ has been addressed.
  • Long Rest in Split-Screen: For those who’ve experienced it, the random crash that happened when taking a Long Rest in the camp on split-screen won’t be a problem anymore.
  • Vulkan API Crash: An issue causing the game to crash in the Vulkan API has been resolved.
  • Texture Loading: They’ve fixed a potential crash caused by textures trying to load in twice when they were requested again while still pending unload.
  • Projectile Destruction: A crash that could occur when destroying projectiles has been addressed.
  • Sunlit Wetlands Illusion: The game won’t crash anymore when the Sunlit Wetlands illusion drops.
  • Cross-Save Issue: Players with unstable internet connections faced challenges with cross-save, preventing them from creating or loading a savegame. That’s been fixed.
  • Loading with Mods: Clients getting stuck on the loading screen when trying to join a host game with mods running should no longer face this issue.
  • Transponder Interaction: A crash that could occur after interacting with the transponder on the nautiloid and then opening the Character Sheet or Party View has been resolved.

It’s reassuring to see the developers addressing these crashes and blockers, ensuring a smoother and more stable gameplay experience for all of us.


Let’s now dive into the multiplayer updates. Multiplayer mode is where many of us team up with friends or other players, and having a seamless experience is crucial. Here are the improvements made:

  • Controller Connection: There was an issue where the game would think you’re using two controllers and would enter split-screen if you connected one controller via Bluetooth and then also plugged it in physically. That’s been fixed.
  • Save and Load Warnings: Non-host players in split-screen mode were seeing save and load warning messages, which also overlapped on the controller game menu. This has been addressed.
  • Client Leaving During Dialogue Roll: They’ve fixed multiple issues that arose when, in a multiplayer game, a client left during a roll in a dialogue.

These multiplayer tweaks ensure that teaming up with others in Baldur’s Gate 3 is smoother and more enjoyable.

Combat & Balance

Let’s dive into the intricate details of the combat and balance changes:

  • Combat Turn End: A significant tweak ensures that if a character eliminates an enemy while not formally in combat, the game will now seamlessly transition to the end of that combat turn, enhancing the flow of battle.
  • Ranger Multiclassing: For those who’ve chosen to branch out into the ranger class, the game now correctly recognizes and grants proficiency in martial weapons, enhancing the versatility of multiclass characters.
  • Swarms in Guildhall: The swarms in the Guildhall have been given a health boost. This change ensures that these creatures present a more formidable challenge, aligning with the expected difficulty for their level.
  • Toll Collector’s Visages: In situations where the Toll Collector is unable to initiate combat, her visages, or manifestations, will now take the initiative, adding a layer of unpredictability to encounters.
  • Adventurer Rosanna: Rosanna, found in the Flophouse, has undergone training and is now a more formidable Level 5 adversary, up from Level 1. This change ensures she’s a more challenging opponent for seasoned adventurers.
  • Voiceless Penitent: The Voiceless Penitent, once a mysterious figure in the Lower City, has ascended to become a Level 10 paladin. This transformation makes him a worthy adversary for even the most experienced of players.
  • Githyanki Positioning: Tactical repositioning has been implemented for the Githyanki. If Crèche Y’llek turns hostile, these warriors will now strategically adjust their positioning, adding depth to combat scenarios.
  • Harper Donner’s Abilities: Harper Donner has undergone rigorous arcane training. He now boasts the Ability scores and proficiencies befitting a seasoned wizard, making encounters with him more challenging and unpredictable.
  • Projectile Blocking Bushes: Nature can sometimes be an obstacle in combat. Certain bushes in Act I and the swamp have been trimmed or adjusted, ensuring they no longer obstruct projectiles during intense battles.
  • Slayer Form AC Bonus: The ethereal Slayer Form now benefits from an enhanced armor class bonus after dispatching marked targets. This change rewards strategic targeting and enhances the Slayer’s survivability in combat.
  • Ambushers in Temple of Bhaal: The ambushers lurking in the Temple of Bhaal have been retrained. Depending on the status of their leader, they will either lie in wait for the perfect ambush or make a tactical retreat.
  • Rats in Gauntlet of Shar: The pesky rats in the Gauntlet of Shar have been reined in. Once engaged in combat, these creatures will no longer scurry away, ensuring a more consistent combat experience.
  • Hag’s Spell: The hag’s arcane arsenal has been recalibrated. An error in her spell usage has been rectified, and damage values for her intended spells have been fine-tuned to ensure she remains a formidable opponent.
  • Moonrise Towers Assault: The assault scenario at Moonrise Towers has been rebalanced. Especially in situations where Jaheira is incapacitated or absent, and the Harpers aren’t available for backup, the challenge has been adjusted to be more manageable.
  • Flaming Sphere: The mystical Flaming Sphere has been tweaked for better combat dynamics. It will no longer trigger an Attack of Opportunity, allowing for more strategic placement in battle.
  • Infinite Damage Loop: A critical bug that caused an infinite damage loop between The Oak’s Father Embrace and Justiciar Avengers in Tactician Mode has been squashed. This fix ensures a smoother and more balanced combat experience in this challenging mode.
  • Archfey Warlocks Multiclassing: Archfey warlocks who’ve chosen to multiclass will now find their warlock spell slots functioning correctly, especially when these slots are of a lower level than regular spell slots.
  • Sneak Attack Reaction: Stealth and strategy go hand in hand. The Sneak Attack reaction now requires a melee finesse weapon to be equipped, ensuring that this powerful strike is executed with precision.
  • Durable Feat: The Durable feat, which enhances a character’s resilience, now caps the Constitution at a robust 20, ensuring that characters benefiting from this feat are hardy and tough.
  • Smokepowder Arrows: Some Smokepowder Arrows, known for their explosive impact, had discrepancies in weight and price. These inconsistencies have been rectified, ensuring a fair trade for these powerful projectiles.
  • NPCs and Spiritual Weapons: NPCs have undergone tactical training. They are now less likely to target Spiritual Weapons, making them more unpredictable in combat scenarios.
  • Spiritual Weapon Adjustments: The ethereal Spiritual Weapon has seen several adjustments in Tactician Mode, ensuring it remains a potent tool in the hands of skilled spellcasters.
  • Second Wind and Lay on Hands: The healing abilities, Second Wind and Lay on Hands, have been recalibrated. Their healing amounts now scale with class level, ensuring they remain effective as characters progress.
  • Combat Movement: Characters have been trained for better combat discipline. They will no longer oscillate between combat positions and spellcasting stances, ensuring a smoother flow in battle scenarios.
  • Mimics Reaction: The deceptive mimics, known for their ability to disguise as inanimate objects, will now spring into action if attacked from a distance, adding an element of surprise.
  • ‘Call Forth Allies’ Summons: When calling forth allies to aid in battle, these summoned entities will always join the fray, regardless of their distance from enemies, ensuring reinforcements are always at hand.
  • Whirlwind Duration: The powerful Whirlwind spell, known for its devastating effects, has seen a duration adjustment. It will now last for 3 rounds, and no longer requires the caster to maintain Concentration.
  • Owlbear Wild Shape: The mighty Owlbear Wild Shape form, favored by druids, will now retain its potent Rage charges even at Level 8, ensuring it remains a formidable form in combat.
  • Spiders in Goblin Camp: The spiders in the Goblin Camp have been trained for better combat discipline. They won’t stack atop one another when trying to deliver their venomous bite.
  • Minthara’s Immortality: Minthara, a key figure during the attack on the Emerald Grove, will no longer possess unwavering immortality throughout the assault, ensuring a fair challenge for those opposing her.
  • Goblins at Goblin Camp: The goblins stationed at the Goblin Camp checkpoint have been retrained. They will no longer skip their turn, ensuring a consistent rhythm in combat scenarios.
  • Halfling Cultists: The Halfling cultists in Crèche Y’llek have undergone a wardrobe change. They now don leather armor, enhancing their defense in combat.
  • Combat AI Puddle Issue: A technical glitch in the combat AI, related to the creation of puddles, has been addressed. This fix ensures that the AI doesn’t get stuck, providing a smoother combat experience.
  • Flesh Golem’s Damage: The formidable flesh golem’s attack damage in Explorer Mode has been toned down, ensuring it remains a challenge without being overwhelmingly powerful.
  • Goblins and Spiders Relationship: The intricate relationship between goblins and spiders has been redefined. While goblins will react defensively if their spider allies are attacked, the spiders remain indifferent to the goblins’ plight.
  • Auntie Ethel’s Non-Lethal Attacks: Auntie Ethel, known for her deceptive nature, won’t succumb to death if Non-Lethal Attacks are toggled on, providing players with more strategic options during encounters.
  • Tactician Mode Adjustments: Tactician Mode, known for its heightened challenge, has seen several adjustments. From meenlocks to dinosaurs and Houndmaster Pol’s dogs, various creatures have been enhanced or tweaked for a balanced experience.
  • Gremishkas’ Panther Polymorph: The Gremishkas’ Panther Polymorph, a favorite among shape-shifters, now boasts the Jump ability, adding to its versatility in combat scenarios.

These combat and balance updates reflect the developers’ dedication to refining the gameplay mechanics, ensuring that every battle is both challenging and fair.

Actions & Conditions

  • Dragonborns’ Breath Weapon: The Dragonborn race’s iconic Breath Weapon attack has been enhanced. It now scales with your character’s progression, and its effectiveness is determined by the character’s Constitution, making it a more potent tool as you level up.
  • Kith’raki Inferno Limitation: The fiery Kith’raki Inferno ability has been adjusted to ensure it can only be unleashed once, aligning with the original design intention.
  • Sapped Characters: Characters affected by the “Sapped” condition will now consistently fail Dexterity and Strength Saving Throws, emphasizing the debilitating nature of this condition.
  • Pommel Strike Limitation: The Pommel Strike ability has been refined. It can no longer incapacitate characters that inherently resist such effects, ensuring a more realistic combat experience.
  • Winged Horror Claw: The Winged Horror’s fearsome Claw attack has been adjusted. It will no longer paralyze undead creatures, taking into account the undead’s natural resistances.
  • Magic Weapon Spell: When upcasting the Magic Weapon spell to 4th Level or higher, it now correctly grants the intended bonus value, ensuring the spell’s potency matches the caster’s intent.
  • Death’s Head’s Stunning Gaze: The DC (Difficulty Class) of the Death’s Head’s Stunning Gaze has been corrected. Additionally, a discrepancy in the description regarding its effective range has been addressed.
  • Feared Condition: A tweak to the “Feared” condition ensures that characters only make a Saving Throw against it when they can’t see the source of their fear, adding a layer of strategy to encounters.
  • Silence Spell Issues: The Silence spell, known for its ability to mute arcane casters, had caused some game freezes. This has been addressed, and specific savegame issues related to the spell have also been fixed.
  • Multiattack Spells and Netherbrain: Multiattack spells, like Flurry of Blows, have been adjusted to trigger the Netherbrain’s Psionic Rebuke reaction only after the final attack lands, ensuring a balanced response from this formidable foe.
  • Minor Illusion and Invoke Duplicity: An issue with the Minor Illusion and Invoke Duplicity spells, which caused an endless loop of combat phases, has been resolved.
  • Symbiotic Entity: The Symbiotic Entity ability now synergizes with unarmed attacks, allowing characters to harness its power even without weapons.
  • Wild Magic Surge: Retribution: This unpredictable surge of arcane energy has been enhanced to work with ranged attacks, adding versatility to sorcerers who tap into wild magic.
  • Crusader’s Mantle Preview: The Crusader’s Mantle action now provides a visual preview of its aura radius, aiding players in strategic placement during combat.
  • Telekinesis Spell: An issue with the Telekinesis spell, where it malfunctioned when activated from the hotbar, has been addressed.
  • Sword of Life Stealing: The mystical Sword of Life Stealing now correctly triggers its special effect upon landing a critical hit, ensuring its wielders reap the intended benefits.
  • Insect Plague Mechanics: The Insect Plague spell has been refined. Characters within its area of effect will now make a Constitution Saving Throw each turn, determining the damage they receive. This mechanic also applies to characters entering the plagued area.
  • Shield of Thralls: The Shield of Thralls ability has been adjusted to prevent it from inadvertently stunning allies, ensuring it remains a tool of protection rather than a liability.
  • Ki Resonation Blast: The targeting mechanism for the Ki Resonation Blast now accurately displays a 5m AoE (Area of Effect) around the intended target.
  • Stinking Cloud Reapplication: The noxious Stinking Cloud spell has been tweaked. It will now consistently reapply its debilitating condition to characters who remained affected in the previous turn.
  • Silence and Ice Knife: An interaction issue between the Silence spell and the Ice Knife spell has been resolved, ensuring that the latter can be cast even in silenced areas.
  • Mystic Carrion’s Canopic Jar: The condition associated with Mystic Carrion’s canopic jar will persist even after his demise, emphasizing the lasting impact of this enigmatic figure.
  • Exposing Bite Condition: The Exposing Bite condition has been refined. It will now only be removed when characters are subjected to melee attacks, ensuring its effects last for the intended duration.
  • Cloud of Daggers Hostility: The Cloud of Daggers spell has been adjusted. In certain scenarios, it previously didn’t initiate combat when cast. This has been fixed, ensuring that its hostile nature is consistently recognized.
  • Stoneskin Spell Resistance: The protective Stoneskin spell has been recalibrated. It now grants resistance solely to non-magical damage, aligning with its original design intent.
  • Prepare and Brace Actions: The Prepare and Brace weapon actions have been refined. They previously required 75% movement to activate. This has been addressed, and associated warnings have been clarified.


  • XP Gains at Lakeside Ritual: Experience points are now awarded for enemies defeated during the conclusion of the lakeside ritual by Last Light, ensuring players are rewarded for their efforts.
  • City Sewers Exploration XP: Players will now receive the same exploration XP regardless of the route they take to enter the city sewers, promoting exploration.
  • XP Around Mason’s House: Exploration around the Mason’s house in the Shadow-Cursed Lands now grants XP rewards. It’s a nod to players’ thoroughness in exploring the area.
  • Halsin’s Portal Defense: When defending Halsin’s portal, individual enemies will now grant less XP, ensuring a balanced progression.
  • Knock Spell in Cazador’s Dungeon: A bug that allowed players to use the Knock spell to unlock magically sealed doors in Cazador’s dungeon has been fixed.
  • Oil of Combustion: An issue where the Oil of Combustion would explode after its condition expires has been addressed.
  • Wall of Fire Target Indicator: The Wall of Fire spell’s area of effect now accurately matches its target indicator, ensuring clarity during casting.
  • Scroll of Summon Quasit: If a container holding a Scroll of Summon Quasit is destroyed, the scroll should still drop, ensuring players can access this summoning tool.
  • Planar Ally: Cambion: The fire surface created by the Planar Ally: Cambion will no longer persist after its death.
  • Danse Macabre Adjustments: The Danse Macabre ability has been balanced, and the School of Necromancy version has been fixed to summon creatures correctly.
  • Crystals in the Astral Prism: These crystals can now exclusively be shattered using the Orphic Hammer, adding a layer of strategy to this challenge.
  • Skeletons in Crèche Y’llek: Certain skeletons in this area will no longer be highlighted when players press the Alt key, ensuring a more immersive experience.
  • Vase Water Surface Issue: A vase that was creating a non-spawnable water surface has been fixed.
  • Performance Issue in Emerald Grove: A potential performance issue caused by a turret beneath the Emerald Grove has been addressed.
  • Moonrise Towers Prison Guards: The guards at this location have been equipped with more appropriate staves, ensuring they’re better prepared for confrontations.
  • Nettie’s Poison Situation: Players can now utilize Alchemy to address the situation involving Nettie’s poison, rather than relying solely on her cauldron.
  • Doozy the Dunce’s Ring: Doozy will now actively search the mud for his lost ring, adding depth to this character’s behavior.
  • Zaith’isk Debuffs and Tadpoles: Players can now utilize tadpoles to cure the debuffs caused by zaith’isk. Additionally, undergoing partial or full ceremorphosis will remove these debuffs.
  • Shar’s Mirror Trial: During the Mirror Trial, Shar will no longer mistakenly clone the tadpoles.
  • Cloakers’ Sneakiness: Adjustments have been made to Cloakers, making them more adept at sneaking and easier for players to select.
  • Baldur’s Mouth Gazette: Generic headlines have been reintroduced to the Baldur’s Mouth gazette, especially if players generate multiple papers.
  • Crushed Spike Trap: Players will no longer need to disarm the Crushed Spike Trap located near the nautiloid crash site.
  • Undead Thralls’ Proficiency: Undead Thralls will now utilize increased proficiency bonuses at higher levels, ensuring they remain formidable foes.
  • Cambion from the Infernal Rapier: The cambion summoned by the Infernal Rapier can now be dismissed by players, offering more control over this summoned entity.
  • Dimension Door Limitation: The Dimension Door spell can no longer be used on creatures that are grounded, ensuring a more realistic application of this teleportation spell.
  • Transmuter’s Stone Cooldown: The cooldown of the Transmuter’s Stone can now be reset using the Potion of Angelic Slumber, providing players with a strategic advantage.
  • Trial of Courage Fixes: Several issues with the Trial of Courage have been addressed, including the trial’s duration, dead enemies remaining in combat, and certain characters not joining the fray.
  • Perception Check in Sewers: A Perception check in the sewers near the Basilisk Gate was not triggering correctly due to a line-of-sight issue. This has been fixed.
  • Encumbered Condition: The Encumbered condition will now react appropriately to changes in a character’s weight, ensuring a more realistic gameplay experience.
  • Summon Dismissal: Characters that leave a location will now have their summoned entities dismissed, ensuring a cleaner gameplay experience.
  • Ladder in Zevlor’s Chambers: Players can now use the ladder located in Zevlor’s secluded chambers without any restrictions.
  • Sloop at Moonrise Towers Prison: The sloop at this location will no longer depart without the player, even if they choose to remain behind.
  • Restoration Pods in High Hall: The range of restoration pods in the High Hall has been increased, allowing players to reuse them on distant party members.
  • Contagion Poisoned Condition: The Contagion Poisoned condition was disappearing prematurely after a successful Saving Throw. This has been fixed.
  • Mind Sanctuary Free Action: The Mind Sanctuary ability was allowing a free action under certain conditions. This has been addressed.
  • Sharpshooter Feat: The Sharpshooter feat has been adjusted to ensure its penalty applies to off-hand ranged attacks.
  • Everburn Blade Sheathing: Characters will now sheathe the Everburn Blade when they are idle, adding to the game’s realism.
  • Twisting Vines Surface: The Twisting Vines surface was expiring prematurely. This has been fixed to ensure it aligns with combat turns.
  • Wavemother’s Robe: The Wavemother’s Robe has been fixed to provide the intended Cold resistance to its wearer.
  • Wild Shaped Players in Final Confrontation: Players in a Wild Shape form can no longer roam freely during the final confrontation with Ketheric without triggering a reaction.
  • Concentration Update: The Concentration mechanic was not updating correctly after transitioning to a new region. This has been addressed.
  • Wild Magic: Vine Growth for Barbarians: The Wild Magic: Vine Growth ability was not triggering correctly for barbarian characters. This has been fixed.
  • Avoiding Ansur: Players can no longer avoid Ansur by sneaking or being in a shapeshifted form when interacting with him.
  • Perception Check for Painting: A Perception check has been added for a specific still life painting located in the Lower City.
  • Switching Characters Before Cinematic: A bug that caused cinematics to not play if players switched characters right before the cinematic has been fixed.
  • Talking to Topaz: Interacting with Topaz will no longer consume a Wild Shape charge.
  • Spells Affecting Allies: Some spells that should affect allies were not working on certain party members. This has been addressed.
  • Silencing Spell Issue: A bug was preventing characters or NPCs from speaking to anyone after they were no longer affected by a Silencing spell. This has been fixed.
  • Minsc’s Behavior: Minsc, a notable character, will now follow the player’s party if he’s grouped and recruited as a companion.
  • Action Surge Achievement: The Action Surge achievement has been tweaked to only count specific spells multiple times.
  • Black Screen After Tutorial: A black screen issue that appeared at the end of the tutorial, especially if a deceased avatar was in a companion’s inventory, has been fixed.
  • Nyrulna Trident Bounds: The outer bounds of the Nyrulna trident have been adjusted for better gameplay.
  • Emerald Grove Dialogues: Some particularly repetitive overhead dialogues in the Emerald Grove have been made less frequent to enhance the player experience.
  • Crawler Mucus and Malice Poison Flasks: These flasks were incorrectly applying weapon coating when thrown. This has been fixed to ensure they apply their poisonous condition like other poisons.
  • Wild Magic: Protective Lights: The Wild Magic: Protective Lights ability has been fixed to highlight affected allies correctly.
  • Fist of Unbroken Air: This ability has been adjusted to apply fall damage when pushing a target.
  • Keybind Options: Some keybind options that weren’t functioning have been fixed, and outdated ones have been removed.
  • Moonrise Towers Jail: Players will no longer be sent to the Moonrise Towers jail if the emergency lever has already been activated.
  • Moonlantern Investigation: All broken Moonlanterns, not just Nere’s, can now be investigated through dialogue.

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