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  • How Can I Recruit the Owlbear Cub in Baldur’s Gate 3?

    Posted by Riovar on September 28, 2023 at 4:11 pm

    I’ve heard there’s a way to recruit an owlbear cub in the game. Can someone share how they managed to do it?

    Xamira replied 9 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jubael

    September 28, 2023 at 5:43 pm

    Starting off, you’ll want to head to the Blighted Village. Stand in front of the village gate, take a glance at your map’s compass and start marching north. Just follow the road for a bit until you spot a split with two big trees. Hang a right here and stroll down this path all the way to the river. When you hit the river, turn 180 degrees and you’ll spot a cave entrance right next to the path you came down on.

    Inside the cave, keep going straight until you stumble upon a corpse. Loot it (because why not?) and keep on trekking past the corpse. Before you move ahead, hit that quick save because there’s an ability check coming up that you don’t want to lose.

    Now, when you bump into the mommy owlbear, choose the animal handling option to make it clear you’re not here for trouble. Acknowledge the owlbear cub, and then just backtrack out of the cave, leaving the owlbear family be.

    Now head over to the Goblin camp. You’d be coming across this place as part of the main quest anyway. Over to the left of the entrance, there’s this lady named Krolla, who’s running some chicken chasing game, but what you want to focus on is the baby owlbear hanging around. If the cub’s isn’t there the first time, just take a long rest at camp and check back later.

    Now, Krolla will tempt you to join in the chicken chasing shenanigans, but give it a hard pass since it’s a cruel game and we’re not about that life.

    Alright, now it’s time to befriend the owlbear cub. Interact with the cub, pass the animal handling check and offer your hands to the little fella so it can get a whiff of your scent to follow you back to camp.

    But before it follows you, there’s some goblin butt that needs kicking. Post-chat with Krolla, she’ll wander off to another corner. Separate one person from your group, have them follow her while the rest wait at the entrance.

    You’ll want to have some poison on hand (any basic poison will do). Find the booze tub at Krolla’s new spot, try to sneak in and drop the poison in. If you get caught, no sweat, just keep trying because the ability check is a measly DC 5. Once you’ve spiked their drink, a cinematic will roll showing the goblins toasting with their poisoned brew.

    Now, play it cool in the dialogue, make sure the goblins down their poison while you pretend to join in. You can use either a Deception (charisma) or sleight of hand (dexterity) check to fake sip the booze. After the poison does its magic, mop up the remaining goblins. The battle’s a breeze now with most of them dead or barely standing.

    Now for the rewarding part – after dealing with the goblins, and once you’ve had a long rest, you’ll find the owlbear cub has tracked you down to your camp.

    From here, there are a couple more checks, always go for animal handling, and hit that quick save to play it safe. The first time the cub shows up at camp, it might come back the next day with a few bumps and bruises.

    I went with the medicine option to patch him up. And voila, you’ve got yourself a loyal owlbear cub pet that’ll come hang out at your camp.

  • Tirlant

    September 28, 2023 at 11:47 pm

    I found the Owlbear Cave beyond Druid Grove. Encountered a fully grown owlbear, had to fight it off to save the cub. The cub later got captured by goblins but managed to win their “chicken-chasing” game to get it back.

  • Garrit

    September 28, 2023 at 11:43 pm

    Managed to knock out the owlbears, looted the cave and snagged the Oak Father’s Embrace armor. It’s great, undead attacking me now take 1d6 Radiant damage.

  • Xamira

    September 29, 2023 at 5:31 pm

    I bought the cub from the goblins for 500 gold. It was a steep price for Act 1, but having the cub at the camp interacting with everyone is just priceless. hehe!

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