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  • DnD.Town

    August 10, 2023 at 5:06 pm

    Hey @Garrit yeah don’t feel bad, I also foolishly followed that mind flayer’s advice and ran straight for the console, leaving that fiery blade on the ship, never to be seen again 🙁

    I then attempted it on a second character and got it, but he definitely is not easy, as they buffed him for the release version. Took me a lot of tries, but was worth it. There are various ways you can increase your power, but it still comes down to a lot of RNG.

    I’ll create you a guide tomorrow, but some quick tips that I can give to your right now is to:

    • Save the brain in the second room from where you start the game – he becomes a 4th party member and usually hits harder than your own party members.
    • Use Shadowheart to either buff the mind flayer, keeping him alive or to use guiding bolt on Commander Zhalk.
    • Don’t cross too far past the fight, as this will trigger extra mobs to spawn at the stairs, which you really don’t have time to deal with.
    • While the game says you have 15 turns to kill him, you actually only have about 8, as the two devil assassins spawn on turn 9 and will reach and one shot your characters by turn 7.
    • There is a trick with Command spell that I never tried, but will make another character and try again tomorrow using it to see if it works, while writing the guide.

    Hope that helps for now 🙂

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