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  • How to Spot the Real Auntie Ethel

    Posted by LoreLass on September 4, 2023 at 9:34 am

    If you’re looking to figure out which Auntie Ethel is the real deal during the fight, there are several methods to discern her from her copies.

    1. You can use Faerie Fire on the real Ethel; the effect will stick even when she spawns duplicates.
    2. Pay attention when she morphs into a Mayrina copy; the genuine Mayrina will be visibly pregnant, whereas the fake one will have a flat stomach.
    3. You can right-click and examine the copies; the real Ethel will have the “Fey Life” passive, which the duplicates lack.
    4. When Ethel goes invisible, you’ll notice the “Invisibility” text appear above her head, and the camera will automatically center on her location. These are solid strategies to keep you one step ahead in the battle.
    Riovar replied 7 months, 3 weeks ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jubael

    November 9, 2023 at 6:55 am

    Another easy way to tell which Auntie Ethel illusion is real is by her clothes.

    • Real = Red clothes
    • Fake = Blue clothes
  • Xamira

    November 9, 2023 at 7:16 am

    I’ve done this fight a few times now and one cool thing I discovered was that if you hit Auntie Ethel with an ability that last “x” turns, it will continue to be an effect on the real her, even after she clones.

    For example, Guiding Bolt says that “The next Attack Roll on this target has Advantage” – lasting 2 turns.

    So if you hit Ethel with Guiding Bolt just before she clones you will still see the debuff on the real version of her.

    Love BG3 😀

  • Farron

    November 10, 2023 at 5:25 am

    When she goes invisible, you can easily find her by casting Silence on the area where Auntie Ethel is hiding while in Stealth, then throw a Spider Egg Sac next to her. Auntie Ethel is afraid of spiders, making her Frightened and unable to move for two turns.

  • Riovar

    November 10, 2023 at 5:37 am

    As the Ethel clones only take one hit to disappear, some good spells to use against them are Scorching Ray (AOE – hurl 3 rays of fire at targets within range) and Magic Missiles (allowing you to hit 3 targets). As there are only 2 clones, Magic Missiles is the perfect number the reveal Ethel. She will then say “You Bloody Clever Clog” when you hit her.

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