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BG3 – Backgrounds

In Baldur's Gate 3, "Backgrounds" influence the initial "Proficiencies" a player possesses and are not restricted by the player's Race or Class. Each Background provides two distinct features. Background can shape the way NPCs view the...
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Insight", "Religion". You have spent your life in service to a temple, learning sacred rites and providing…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Deception", "Sleight of Hand". You're an expert in manipulation, prone to exaggeration and more than happy to…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Deception", "Stealth". You have a history of breaking the law and survive by leveraging less-than-legal connections. Profiting…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Acrobatics", "Performance". You live to sway and subvert your audience, engaging common crowds and high society alike.…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Animal Handling", "Survival". You're a champion of the common people, challenging tyrants and monsters to protect the…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Insight", "Persuasion". Your skill in a particular craft has earned you membership in a mercantile guild, offering…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "History", "Persuasion". You were raised in a family among the social elite, accustomed to power and privilege.…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Athletics", "Survival". You grew up in the wilds, learning to survive far from the comforts of civilization.…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Arcana", "History". You are curious and well-read, with an unending thirst for knowledge. Learning about rare lore…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Athletics", "Intimidation". You are trained in battlefield tactics and combat, having served in a militia, mercenary company,…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Skills: "Slight of Hand", "Stealth". After surviving a poor and bleak childhood, you know how to  make the…
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