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BG3 – Monk

Monk's primary Ability is Dexterity. Martial artists who channel their inner energy, or "ki", to perform amazing feats. Monks are fast, agile, and can strike with deadly precision. They often follow a strict code or philosophy. Adhere...
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Sub-class of Monk which gives "Harmony of Fire and Water", as well as a choice of 3x "Disciple…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Sub-class of Monk which gives "Flurry of Blows: Topple",  "Flurry of Blows: Stagger" and "Flurry of Blows: Push"…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Sub-class of Monk which gives "Shadow Arts" at level 3. You value the arts of stealth and subterfuge,…
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