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BG3 – Dwarf

Sub-races: Gold Dwarf, Shield Dwarf, Duergar. As durable and unyielding as their homes of stone, dwarves are some of the finest warriors, miners, and smiths of Faerûn. Adhere to the Forum Rules.

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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    These dwarves are known for their confidence and keen intuition. The culture of their Deep Kingdom values family,…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Great losses in ancient wars against goblins and orcs have led these dwarves to adopt a cynical mindset,…
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  • Baldurs Gate 3 beginners guide 1280x740
    Once enslaved by the eldritch mind flayers, duergar adapted to freedom with harsh practicality. Their cold demeanours and…
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