Inn Initiate

DND Town Social Community Forum for all things RPG and Fantasy - Rank - Inn Initiate

After the excitement of the day, a cozy inn’s inviting glow captures your attention. Pushing open the heavy oak door, a wave of warmth envelops you, chasing away the evening chill. The innkeeper, a kindly soul with a warm smile, hands you a key to a cozy room. As you enjoy a simple meal in the common area, you listen to the soft chatter of fellow newcomers. The flicker of candles and the crackling fireplace create a soothing ambiance.

1 Requirement

  • Earn XP to level up to the next Rank

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of Arannis
  • Profile photo of Xamira
  • Profile photo of Garrit
  • Profile photo of Farron
  • Profile photo of DnD.Town