5 Essential things not to miss in the first hours of Baldur’s Gate 3

Essential things not to miss you first few hours of Baldur's Gate 3 1280x720 copy

Baldur’s Gate 3, developed by Larian Studios, is a masterclass in RPG design, offering players a vast, intricate world brimming with secrets, challenges, and narratives. 

As you step into this expansive universe, the sheer volume of content can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. While the game encourages exploration and discovery, there are certain pivotal moments and treasures that shouldn’t be overlooked, especially in the initial hours. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensure you capture the essence of these moments:

1. Flaming Sword in the Prologue:

The game’s opening act aboard the mind flayer ship is a frantic race against time. As the ship is besieged by devils and dragons, players are thrust into a desperate dash to the ship’s controls. But amidst this chaos, a significant encounter unfolds: Commander Zhalk, a devil commander is locked in combat with a mind flayer. While the game nudges you to bypass this skirmish, intervening can yield a valuable weapon reward – The Everburn Blade, a magical greatsword that not only boosts your damage but also sets off oil pools, adding a tactical edge to early battles. However, this reward doesn’t come without risks. Once the devil is vanquished, the mind flayer might perceive you as a threat, leading to another potential confrontation.

  • Location: Aboard the Nautiloid, the mind flayer ship.
  • Setting: As you navigate the ship’s intricate corridors, the urgency of the situation becomes palpable. The ship is under siege, and every moment counts.
  • Opportunity: In the midst of this chaos, you’ll spot a devil commander locked in fierce combat with a mind flayer.
  • Reward: Should you choose to aid the mind flayer, the Everburn Blade awaits you – a blade that not only cuts deep but also burns with +1d4 fire damage.
  • Requirements: You’ll need to make a choice: intervene in the battle or move on. Your decision will determine your reward.
  • Caution: Be prepared. Once the devil falls, the mind flayer might not see you as a friend. Stay on your guard.

2. Withers, the Helpful Undead:

Beyond the battles and quests, Baldur’s Gate 3 offers unique characters that add depth to the narrative. One such character is Withers, an ancient corpse found in the Dank Crypt. Despite his undead status, he’s brimming with purpose and offers indispensable services. For a fee, Withers can resurrect fallen comrades—a boon for any party facing the game’s many dangers. Additionally, he can summon hirelings to bolster your ranks and even facilitate class changes for players seeking a different gameplay experience. Beyond his utility, Withers is a uniquely intriguing character, adding a touch of the bizarre and mysterious to your camp.

  • Location: The Dank Crypt, a stone’s throw away from the beach crash site.
  • Setting: This crypt, though silent, is alive with mysteries. Shadows dance on the walls, and an eerie ambiance fills the air.
  • Opportunity: Deep within, you’ll stumble upon Withers—an undead with a peculiar vitality.
  • Services: Withers isn’t just an ordinary corpse. He offers resurrection services, a rare commodity in these lands. Moreover, if you’re having second thoughts about your class, Withers can help you switch.
  • Requirements: Tread carefully. The crypt is laden with traps. Keep an eye out for a hidden button near a statue—it’s your key to Withers.
  • Outcome: Engage Withers in conversation, and he’ll later be available at your camp, ready to offer his unique services.

3. Rogue’s Advantage at Emerald Grove:

The Emerald Grove is a sanctuary for tiefling refugees, including a group of mischievous kids. Their antics and schemes can catch players off guard, but for those with a rogue in their party, there’s an opportunity to turn the tables. Rogues can discern the kids’ deceptive tactics, leading to unique dialogue options. By skillfully navigating the conversation, players can not only thwart the young tieflings’ schemes but also foster a bond with them, turning potential adversaries into allies.

  • Location: The lush and serene Emerald Grove.
  • Setting: Amidst the tranquility of the grove, tiefling refugees have found a temporary home. But not all is as it seems.
  • Opportunity: Among the refugees, a group of young tiefling kids are up to some mischief. They’re crafty, but if you’re a rogue, you have the upper hand.
  • Reward: Your rogue instincts will unlock unique dialogue options, revealing deeper layers of interaction and potential alliances.
  • Requirements: To fully exploit this opportunity, you’ll need a rogue in your party. Whether it’s Astarion or a custom character, the choice is yours.
  • Outcome: Play your cards right, and these young tieflings might just become unexpected allies.

4. Lump’s War Horn:

The Blighted Village, a settlement under goblin control, offers more than just enemy encounters. Within its confines, players can find Lump the Enlightened and his band of ogres. By successfully navigating dialogue and skill checks, players can persuade Lump to bestow a special war horn. This isn’t a mere trinket. When blown, the horn summons the three ogres to the player’s aid in battle. Their formidable strength and size can turn the tide of even the most challenging encounters. However, this power comes with a caveat. The ogres, while allies, are indiscriminate in their rampage, making it crucial to ensure that friends and innocents are kept out of their path.

  • Location: The Blighted Village, a settlement overshadowed by goblin threats.
  • Setting: Amidst the chaos of goblin skirmishes, potential allies lurk.
  • Opportunity: Seek out Lump the Enlightened and his band of ogres. They might seem intimidating, but there’s more to them than meets the eye.
  • Reward: Win Lump’s trust, and he’ll gift you a war horn—a call to arms that summons the ogres to your side in battle.
  • Requirements: Your words and actions matter. Navigate the dialogue carefully and pass the necessary skill checks.
  • Caution: While the ogres are powerful allies, they’re not the most discerning. When you call them to battle, ensure your friends are out of their path.

5. Unravel Kagha’s Secrets:

The Emerald Grove, while a haven of tranquility, is also a hotbed of political intrigue. Kagha, the deputy to the archdruid Halsin, operates in the shadows, engaging in clandestine activities. A hidden chest in the Silvanus Grove provides the initial lead, containing secretive correspondence that hints at Kagha’s covert dealings. Pursuing this lead embarks players on a quest that delves deep into Kagha’s machinations, revealing a side of the Grove that many might miss on a casual playthrough.

  • Location: The Silvanus Grove, nestled within the larger Emerald Grove.
  • Setting: This grove, bathed in tranquility, hides whispers of intrigue and covert dealings.
  • Opportunity: As you explore, you’ll uncover hints of Kagha’s secret activities. The deputy to the archdruid Halsin is up to something, and it’s up to you to find out what.
  • Reward: Dive deep into this mystery, and you’ll embark on a quest that unravels Kagha’s true intentions.
  • Requirements: Your first clue lies in a concealed chest within the Silvanus Grove. Find it, and the trail begins.
  • Outcome: As you piece together the puzzle, you’ll uncover a side of the Grove that many adventurers might overlook.


Baldur’s Gate 3, crafted meticulously by Larian Studios, is a testament to the depth and richness that role-playing games can offer. 

As you embark on this journey, the vastness of the world and the intricacies of its narratives can be both thrilling and daunting. While the game beckons you to explore every nook and cranny, there are moments and treasures that stand out, shaping the essence of your early experience in this universe. 

From the intense battles aboard the Nautiloid to the political undercurrents of the Emerald Grove, each encounter and decision can have lasting implications. 

Whether it’s the allure of a flaming sword, the enigmatic presence of Withers, the cunning of young tieflings, the might of Lump’s horn, or the mysteries surrounding Kagha, these highlights serve as pivotal milestones in your adventure. 

As you navigate the challenges and secrets of Baldur’s Gate 3, let this guide be your compass, ensuring you savor the game’s most impactful moments. Happy adventuring!

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